Data scanning is fast becoming a popular method of data collection, especially those involved in mining and quarry industry. Millions of DTM points recorded by scanning equipment is quick and easy to collect however there are only a few post processing software packages available to convert the data to a workable format for use in conventional terrain modelling without the need for high end hardware requirements.

Point Cloud Viewer provides functionality to handle the millions of data points and can export it to several asci formats with ease.

Virtual Survey allows for selection of points in the viewer that will immediately be transferred to Model Maker as DTM data

3D triangle editing displays a triangulated DTM model simultaneously in the viewer and in the Model Maker software package. You can then edit triangle legs in the 3D viewer and it is updated in Model Maker.

PoinCloud only runs on the 64bit Windows platform to allow for very large data sets and may be used as a viewer only in the trial version.

The full version consists of 2 modules – A virtual survey module with which data can be extracted for use in Model Maker or any other DTM software package and a Filtering module to remove noise and audit data by classification or user defined parameters. This also include geo-referencing of scanned data. A further module for creating CAD work from the data models is planned. This is an inexpensive and easy to use tool for making point cloud data more usable in conventional terrain modelling packages.